Bishop Odo wielding The Holy Ghost at the Battle of Hastings – from the Bayeux Tapestry
This week’s news from Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia got me thinking aplenty about religion and religious leaders. William the Conquerer made his brother Odo a bishop. Odo – being a Christian Bishop – could not carry a sword. Pope Alexander II – the first undemocratically elected pope – allowed Odo could use a large club – which the Pope Christened “The Holy Ghost” – to beat the brains out of many an Anglo Saxon at the Battle of Hastings. Odo commissioned an illustrated history of the battle – The Bayeux Tapestry – preserved miraculously and now on display at Bayeux in Normandy. William stole Dover Castle and the entire County of Kent – handed it over to to Odo. Odo stole plenty himself – even from his brother the Conqueror. Odo was a marketing genius and probably invented Purgatory. We don’t know if Odo messed with women. The Tapestry is beautiful and even a cynic would say that Odo did (some) good. god rest Odo in Holy Peace. amen.