Incompetent in all things
Polls report that more Americans believe that Donald (Pinocchio) Trump – because he is a “businessman” -can handle the U.S. Economy better than can Joe Biden. Many media folk believe that, therefore, U.S. Republicans will try to fight the Presidential Election Campaign on the Economy and Democrats on Trump’s mismanagement of the Coronavirus. Master politician Lyndon B. Johnson used to say that the trouble with liberals was that they had no guts. If liberals (liberals dominate the Democratic Party) can’t fight the election on the Economy issue, then Johnson should have added that neither do liberals have brains nor eyes nor ears nor noses.
On his record, Donald Trump couldn’t manage a lemon-aide stand. Trump is a spoiled little rich boy whose grandfather Frederich successfully pimped in the Yukon 120 years ago. Donald Trump’s father was a smart, tough, mean home builder who found himself in the world’s most dynamic city during World War II and afterwards. He and his partner mother knew real estate management and development. That’s all Fred knew. He certainly did not know how to pick a successor – he picked his son Donald to succeed him. Fred – himself – always ran his business well and left an estate of close to Two Billion 20020 dollars.
After Fred became senile, Donald ended up running the company and ran it into the ground. With his daddy’s money, Donald bought into all sorts of silly corporate adventures – from gambling casinos to airlines to hotels and resorts. None of them succeeded – he bankrupted them all. In two words – Donald was no businessman. He went through six bankruptcies. American banks stopped loaning him money. The reason Donald Trump won’t release his tax returns is almost certainly because the returns will show that he blew the whole Trump fortune. (By the way, Donald Trump does not own present day “Trump” hotels and resorts – real businessmen own them – they only pay to use the Trump name.)
“Oh,” Donald Trump will say: “Look how well my economy was doing before the Coronavirus struck.” The truth is that – in 2008 – Trump’s predecessor, Obama, and the liberals’ present candidate for the Presidency – Joe Biden – inherited a U.S. economy bankrupted by the Republican Party. Obama (and Joe Biden) brought the U.S. Economy back and made it prosper and grow – Trump merely coasted on the Obama Economy – even though – under Trump – it didn’t grow like Obama’s had. And Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus further proves his inveterate incompetence.
Even Trump’s sister Maryanne (she used to write Donald’s High School exams for him) declared (on tape) that Donald was a complete washout and shouldn’t be President of the United States.
If the Democratic Party hasn’t the guts and brains to show Trump up as a business incompetent, there shouldn’t be a Democratic Party. And there won’t be a Democratic Party if Trump wins the November Election.
READ about Trump’s niece Mary’s book – Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man – about her incompetent, boorish uncle BY CLICKING HERE: https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/07/mary-trump-donald-trump-and-american-psyche/614251/ (You can buy the book through the Eye Opener – see Ad at right) … AND … READ Donald Trump’s Wikipedia biography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump#Legal_affairs_and_bankruptcies