Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to ban the export of crude oil from our Northwestern coast. That makes absolutely zero sense.If Mr. Beyond Reason wants to ban the export of crude oil he should ban export from all Canadian ports. But his Bill C48 would ban export from only Pacific ports north of Vancouver Island. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: September 2018
Poll places Mayor Helps (Big Sister) distant second in October election
Lady Lou
Dangerous bike lanes, meetings stacked with paid shills, politburo-like decision making, lowered speed limits, sheepy council meetings may have done Mayor Lisa Helps in according to a poll of Victoria Voters in advance of next month’s election. Stephen (Mad as Hell) Hammond got 268 votes … Lisa Helps only 101. Continue reading
Killing History in Rio and Victoria

George Orwell
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

Killing History by Neglect – Rio 2018
Killing History by Rezoning – Victoria 2028
Silver spoon fumble-bumery on Kinder Morgan
Said future Alberta Premier Jason Kenney of Justin (Mr. Dress-up) Trudeau last May:
“… He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. This guy is an empty trust-fund millionaire who has the political depth of a finger bowl … “ Continue reading