Monthly Archives: November 2022

News on April 30 2023

For seven yars Trudeau Jr. has neglected B.C.’s overdose crisis👉B.C. marks 7th anniversary of overdose emergency | CTV News …… Toxic-drug  crisis drives Carpenter’s union to distribute life saving naloxone to its member members👉👉Carpenters’ union providing naloxone kits to members | Flipboard ……. Trudeau Jr. won’t  declare war on  the drug dealers …… To reap more profit drug dealers mix in more deadly drugs👉👉👉Island Health warns of increased overdose risk – Victoria Times Colonist

MIERDA DE TORO !!!!!   Independent report proves Cruise Ship/Harbour Authority claims mierda de toro – cruise ships are a  lousy way to try to earn tourist dollars!!!!!!👉REPORT: New analysis exposes cruise tourism benefits as overinflated myth – Stand.earthWhile David Eby fiddles with “hubs”, released repeat offenders repeat and repeat and repeat👉New ‘hubs’ in 12 cities to tackle repeat violent offenders – Victoria Times Colonist

David Eby – like John Horgan – won’t set up rail and/or bus network  to take Vancouver Islanders – without an auto – from one end of Vancouver Island to another👉Reality TV show highlights B.C.’s limited transport options – Vancouver Is Awesome

If you buy an electric car – your waste 30 mintues to eight hour to “fill-up”👉How Long Does It Take to Charge an Electric Car? | Pod Point ( …… but – while homeless sleep in and mugger haunt the streets, David  Eby wastes $26 million to build  250 charging stations👉British Columbia EV news: More charging stations announced – North Shore News (

In traditionally Tory Alberta’s May 29th election poll  Angus Reid polls the Tories with 46%, the NDP with 43%👉Alberta Spotlight: Smith and UCP lead as the NDP fights in Calgary to convert warmth for Notley into votes – Angus Reid Institute


The B.C. “Liberal” Party Changes its Name👉B.C. Liberals forge ahead with name change to B.C. United – Victoria Times Colonist…… A “rose” by any other name would smell as “sweet”!!!! ……. Times Colonist cartoonist Raeside depicts “Liberal”/B.C. United leader as double talking nerd👉👉Adrian Raeside cartoon, Times Colonist, April 11, 2023: Photo Gallery – Victoria Times Colonist




America’s Wanna’Be Hitler and his Storm Troopers 👉Trump says he expects to be arrested in hush-money case, stokes unrest on social media | PBS NewsHour …… Trump’s four biggest legal problems👉Donald Trump: His four biggest legal problems – BBC News👉What happens next if Trump is arrested on Tuesday? – BBC News,,,,,, If Trump is arrested Judge may refuse him  bail!!!!!

The upside of Canadian banks – They don’t go bankrupt!!!! Three Yuppinomical/Funny Money U.S. banks goe belly-up👉Silicon Valley Bank’s failure shakes companies worldwide, from wine country to London | PBS NewsHour👉March 2023 United States bank failures – Wikipedia …… YuppyBank woes shoot down the price of oil👉Oil prices plunge, Canadian energy stocks take beating as global banking fears spread – Vancouver Is Awesome …… Saudis stop backing Credit Suisse👉Credit Suisse – Wikipedia

Lord Strathcona – he built the CPR – JUST RELEASED Government Study!!!! 👉READ THE DETAILS: An Island Railway would remove the cost of 10,000 to 26,000 truckloads of freight off our highways👉 SEE RAIL COSTS 1/3  OF  TRUCK TRANSPORT

  • NIMBYVILLE, (Oak By) B.C. Early each morning, hundreds of barking, bawling, bellowing, yapping, screaming and yelling  sealions feast on herring, wake the DO NOT DISTURB snooty plutocrats!!!! READ ALL ABOUT IT

  • Only 37% of U.S. Democrats  and 13% of Americans think Biden should run again ……   they say he’s too old  … many worry about  “his coughing, his gait, his gaffes”READ ALL ABOUT IT


  • U.S. shoots down a balloon which has a special interest in U.S. Air Force. Its a “wind-blown, innocent weather balloon” protests China. “Baloney” says the home of the brave and the land of the free.  READ ALL ABOUT IT,,,,,Why would China uses  spy balloon when it has satellites?READ ALL ABOUT IT …… Is this Chinese upside/down diplomacy or another Chinese boo-boo?READ ABOUT IT

  • Upside/Down Chinese Diplomacy or another Chinese Boo-Boo?

    The European Union faces crude oil shipping and insurance companies to keep Russian oil down to $60 per barrel with great success READ ALL ABOUT IT


  • Sanctions against Russian bigshots – is Trudeau  dragging his feet? NDP say Liberals staging “political theatre!!!READ ALL ABOUT IT

  • Eby  decrees that half of B.C. government workers can work at home  BUT Victoria’s downtown businesses lose customers  READ ALL ABOUT IT

  • Offshore pulp mill companies desert Port Alice, leave unpaid debts, $50 Million environmental mess. Port Alice’s population halves. B.C. taxpayers bail Port Alice out … clean up ocean … gradually the village is regrowingREAD ALL ABOUT IT

  • NDP drag Liberals to make rules for old folks homesREAD ALL ABOUT IT

  • Before easier drug laws, police acted as judge and jury to decide whether to charge small time drug offenders …… No longer!!!!READ ALL ABOUT IT

Nazis planning anniversary Ottawa convoy rally ,,,. READ ALL ABOUT IT

Wannabe Dictator Backs Off: Alberta’s ToryPremier Smith tries to set-up behind-closed -doors- government!!!! – Albertans rebel – Democracy prevails