The Greatest Generation

Winston Churchill

“President” Trump
In 2017 “President” Trump refused to visit America’s war dead at a military cemetery in France – it was raining – he said – the rain would ruin his hairdo – anyway – the dead soldiers – who ordinary folks call “the Greatest Generation” – were nothing but “losers and suckers” – those losers and suckers said Winston Churchill – “will stand forth as the most unselfish and unsordid act in human history”. They saved the world from the likes of Trump.
America was – in my day – “the last best hope of humanity”. Those dead soldiers proved it. I think it still is but America must rid itself of this horrible “guttersnipe” as Churchill would have called him. I pray they will. Or America will sink into what Churchill called “the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science”
Trump comes to it honestly – his grandfather was a draft-dodger – so was his father – so was he – his father hired a crooked doctor. The doctor concocted the tale that bone-spurs had invaded Trumps feet and exempted Trump him from the military draft – from having to serve – give up his life if necessary – for his country – “the last best hope of humanity”.
The soldiers stood for America the Beautiful. Trump stands for for America the Ugly. Pray folks. The Good Guys have got to win.