2016-05-23 – At a Federal policy convention this week, Grassroots Tories hope to take powers away from their party leader. 2016-05-14 – Before Canadian voters asked to leave office, Stephen Harper thought he’d use Federal LINKS A few years ago Alberta’s tory (Progressive Conservative or PC ) government wanted to force Alberta’s oil companies to pay more oil and gas royalties. “Well,” said the Oil Companies, “That’s too much progressive and too little conservative. We’ll just get out our chequebooks and set up a new party – ten steps to the right of Attila The Hun. We’ll call her the ‘Wild Rose Party'”. Well as they say on Wall Street: “A fool and his money are soon parted.” They set up the Wild Rose — and promptly split Alberta tory votes between two parties – the PCers and The Wild Rose. In the 2015 Alberta Election, 52% of voting Albertans voted for the two parties, 28% voted for the PCers and 24% for the Wild Rose Meantime 41% voted for the NDP. Because the the right-wingers didn’t combine, the NDP won 54 seats, the PCs won only 10 seats, the Wildrose 21 seats. Out in Alberta where Toryanosauruses roam, the socialist NDP won an absolute majority government (and promptly did not raise royalties). The tory puttyheads have learned nothing — the two parties are still at each others throats. Harper believes he(?) or some other tough leader has to knock heads together again — maybe set up a new Alberta Conservative Party. Lessons learned:
March 18, 2016 – These last two weeks, one of the Globe’s top reporters has spent eons tracing down Stephen Harper – but months ago Prime Minister Snarl smirked from every television in the land. Has his visage descended into the primodal ooze surrounding Abbostsford, B.C. or fozzalized where the dinosaurs roam in the Alberta badlands.
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