May 3, 2016 – A trendy pot-head named Ashley Abraham wants to charge

The Madame of Bong and “Big Jim” in “The Green Ceiling”
other pot-heads $5.00 an hour to bong it up in The Green Ceiling, once a tile shop, on Victoria’s Quadra Street. Abraham calls The Green Ceiling a “cannabis consumption lounge”. Pot is illegal under the Narcotics Control Act of Canada. Under Canada’s criminal law, Ashley is an accomplice to an illegal act. Rather than pander to trendiness, Victoria’s Mayor Lisa Helps didn’t blither around consulting with the public etc. — didn’t miss a beat … acted like a real leader … told Abraham that “It’s NOT O.K.” Good for Helps — I may have been wrong about her.
April 28, 2016 – The easy-to- get- along with Victoria Times Colonist attacks Mayor Lisa Helps
over her sewage treatment tactics. “It appears to be process for the sake of process, much ado about nothing”
Before Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps got into the political business a few years back, she raised chickens in her back yard. Its time to go back to raising chickens.
A year ago, the chicken lady bucked Victoria’s formidible NDP machine and limped into the mayoralty atop a new-age gee-whiz trend — so did Mayor Nishi of Calgary — so did even Mayor Richard Atwell of Saanich. During the campaign, Helps gave up her cackling chickens and took to tweeting mothy, trendy clichés like “AWESOME!!!” and “INCREDIBLE!!!!”. Voters should have known that moth-worn clichés, as George Orwell said, “issue from the mouths of moth-worn nincompoops”. Since Atwell and Helps were elected and Nishi was re-elected a year ago, a very unlikeable and arrogant Atwell has displayed real guts and can-do against a severely entrenched bureaucracy and Nishi has stood up to Calgary’s establishment and got good things done. Not Helps. The NDP mayor she put out of office, Dean Fortin, relied on and trusted his “staff” who lied to him and manipulated him to build an unnecessary new bridge to the tune of $110 million and got him defeated. Helps’s done exactly the same thing. She has accomplished nothing.