Set-Em-Up Joe – former bartender Hy’s
UPDATE — June 9, 2016 — Hillary claims she is over the top. Sanders says she is not. Obama endorses Hillary.
UPDATE — May 19, 2016 –NPR’s Tamara Keith wonders why Hillary Clinton has changed so many of her positions — e.g. gays, trade, crime has it been to change with the times or to get more votes.
June 9, 2016 – Obama endorses Clinton – Domenico Montanaro
June 8, 2016 – Clinton wins four State primaries – including California and New Jersey … Sanders two. Clinton claims she’s over the top – PBS
June 7, 2016 – Declaring Hillary Clinton’s ‘Historic Moment’ Is A Rush To Judgment – Raffi Cavoukian – neither candidate can clinch the nomination before June 14, and that makes for a ‘contested convention’ — one where the candidate is to be chosen in Philadelphia at the end of July
June 7, 2016 – How does the AP count delegates to arrive at Clinton’s win? – PBS
June 7, 2016 – How Hillary Clinton Locked Up The Democratic Nomination In 10 Steps – Tamara Keith – … And by surviving an epic 11-hour congressional hearing.
June 7, 2016 – Hillary Clinton Under Fire For Wearing $12,000 Armani Jacket While Giving Speech against Economic Inequality – Huffington Post
June 7, 2016 – Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case – Associated Press – Bondi was not the only GOP attorney general to shy away from suing Trump.
June 2, 2016 – Court documents say Trump University used High-Pressure Tactics – U.S. National Public Radio
June 2, 2016 – Staffer who set up Clinton’s email server to take 5th again – PBS
May 28 2016 – Trump Tower Toronto To Be Sold Off After Debt Default: Report – Huffingon Post – Toronto’s Trump Tower has seen one disaster after another since it opened four years ago
May 28, 2016 – No Sanders vs. Trump Debate? Sad! – U.S. National Public Radio
May 28, 2016 – Clinton misstates key facts in email episode – U.S. National Public Radio
May 27, 2016 – Talk Softly, Swing A Big Tweet: Elizabeth Warren’s Unconventional Messaging – Ailsa Chang
May 25, 2016 – State Department Inspector General: Hillary Clinton Violated State Dept. Policies By Using Private Email – U.S. National Public Radio
May 23, 2016 – Evolution Or Expediency? Clinton’s Changing Positions Over A Long Career – Tamara Keith
UPDATE — May 19, 2016 — Tara Jeffries ponders on PBS that many Democrats may jump ship to vote against their establishments and for Trump. Many Republicans already have. Could it be the end of political parties. America’s first and most

George Washington
popular president, George Washington, hated them. LINK — Washington’s 1796 Farewell Address – he hated political parties.
UPDATE — May 17, 2016 — Sanders wins Oregon 56% to 44%. Clinton wins Kentucky 47% to 46%. Sanders won’t give up.
UPDATE — May 11, 2016 — Sanders beats Clinton 51.4% to 35.8% in West Virginia

Marie Antoinette
Primary. Trump neck-to-neck with Clinton in latest poll. The FBI may not finish its Clinton investigation till after Democratic Convention. Even without FBI charges Americans could defeat the elitist Clinton – elect Trump — because she reminds them of Marie Antoinette. Will the U.S. Democratic Establishment drop Clinton?
UPDATE — May 11, 2016 — Trump won’t release his income tax returns. Is there still room for an Independent candidate?
May 5, 2016 — CBC’s Neil Macdonald predicts “Trump is the fuel, but Republican

The second biggest fire — The U.S. Republican Party
Party will burn itself down … Almost certainly, as the conservative columnist George F. Will predicts, a Trump nomination will create all sorts of ‘down-ballot carnage’: state, county and municipal Republicans will capsize in his bombastic wake … It will probably mean a generation in the wilderness, or maybe two, before conservatives reform and achieve national power again.”
…as primary and caucus results come in you can use it to forecast final results…
May 4, 2016 — After Trump wins the Indiana
Primary, both Kruz and Kasich give up. In Indiana, Bernie Sanders beats Clinton by up to 12 points. Sanders still in the race — by a hair. Clinton polls ahead of Trump in six-out-of-six polls.
May 2, 2016 – Republicans are worried that, if nominated, Trump will lose them the U.S. Senate. The Republicans have 54 Senate seats, the Democrats 46. Says NPR: Democrats need to flip four seats if they win the presidency. (The vice president is president of the Senate and casts the tiebreaking vote.) If they lose, they need to pick up five for control. That’s a very doable task given the map. It’s also a presidential year, when key Democratic demographic groups, like young voters and single women, turn out in higher numbers than in midterm years.
NPR highlights Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Nevada, Missouri, North Carolina, Arizona (John McCain could lose his seat), Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Florida.
As of April 29, 2016- in 2016, Sanders had spent half again more money than Clinton on the Democratic nomination BUT on May 2, Clinton crept past him.
April 28, 2016 The smart money is now on Trump as Republican nominee – Trump reads a scripted foreign policy speech tapping into non-Establishment anger over U.S. misadventures — Bushs’ fumbles — Obama’s weak knees
READ MORE – U.S. Election 2016