Homeless wanted a place to sleep — Victoria Establishment dawdled — the homeless built Tent City — Establishment acted


The Lady That’s Known as Lou

The streets of Hell are paved with good intentions — God helps those who help themselves.  Says Les Leyne in the Victoria Times Colonist: “One thing the campers at Victoria’s tent city have accomplished is a sharp increase in the

Constable Action


number of shelter beds made available for the homeless .. ” The Victoria Establishment do-gooded aplenty but gained nothing. The people themselves helped themselves and won places to sleep in.
Even the B.C. tory government’s Constable Action, Rich Coleman, has accomplished nothing. (Action’s dynamic career has included: Joining the RCMP as a constable and leaving as a constable; failing to make B.C. the Continue reading

B.C. tories launch 2017 election with hagiography, fingering of social media and male socialists

Bob Edwards

 Stalin, Mao, Roosevelt and W.A.C. Bennett loved giant hydro dams. Politicians and bureaucrats — not given to pesky details — can actually see a hydro dam — can’t see concepts like guaranteed annual income and income inequality. Though stilling surging water just doesn’t have sex appeal these days, B.C.’s petit-tory Premier Gordon Campbell loved the “Site C” Dam project along the Peace River Continue reading

Tax Accountants whoop it up with Federal Revenoors – behind closed doors

The Printer's Devil

The Printer’s Devil 

Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker

June 17, 2016 – The CBC reveals that: “Deals Canada signed to catch tax cheats allow billions in taxes to escape”

May 19, 2016 – Canada’s tax accountants lobbied high Federal tax auditors at a green eyeshade whoop-up at Ottawa’s Rideau Club some time ago. Might have been exciting but both refused to fess up with the details. Continue reading

Is Hillary a hypocrite?


Set-Em-Up Joe – former bartender Hy’s

UPDATE — June 9, 2016 — Hillary claims she is over the top. Sanders says she is not. Obama endorses Hillary.

UPDATE — May 19, 2016 –NPR’s  Tamara Keith wonders why Hillary Clinton has changed so many of her positions — e.g. gays, trade, crime has it been to change with the times or to get more votes. Continue reading