Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps — Is she all cackle and fury — or a leader?


Bob Edwards

May 3, 2016 – A trendy pot-head named Ashley Abraham wants to charge

The Madame of Bong and “Big Jim” in “The Green Ceiling”

other pot-heads $5.00 an hour to bong it up in The Green Ceiling,  once a tile shop, on Victoria’s Quadra Street.  Abraham calls The Green Ceiling a “cannabis consumption lounge”. Pot is illegal under the Narcotics Control Act of Canada. Under Canada’s criminal law, Ashley is an accomplice to an illegal act. Continue reading

Is it time to stop sucking up to Saudi Arabia?



Where does the U.S. import its oil from? 2000-2015? Canada was #1!!!

UPDATE – June 9, 2016 – A Toronto Star Editorial reports Saudis have lobbied themselves off War Crime Black List – Demands they be put back onA Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has killed hundreds of children. So why has the UN removed it from its annual blacklist of bad actors?

UPDATE — May 12, 2016 — former U.S. Navy Secretary John Lehman, a member of the 2004 9/11 Commission, turns whistle-blower, tells The Guardian  that the Commission knew there was broad Saudi support of the 9/11 terrorists and that many Commission members wanted to blow the whistle on the Saudis but the U.S. Establishment had held them back. Continue reading

Russians steal Trump files from Democrats

June 15, 2016 – KGB and Russian Military steal Democrats’ Trump files – PBS – this is actually not unusual for Russia. They have a very aggressive competition between their intelligence agencies. They’re always trying to one-up one another, to look better in front of Putin, to get more budget, more power. Continue reading

Have Labour Unions lost their power on the 19th Hole of The Calgary Golf and Country Club


If you go to the city of Washington, you will find that almost all of those corporation lawyers and cowardly politicians, members of congress, and mis-representatives of the masses claim, in glowing terms, that they have risen from the ranks to places of eminence and distinction. I am very glad that I cannot make that claim for myself. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks.” – Eugene V. Debs

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Obama — Do Nice Guys Finish Last?



John Ware – former slave who became Alberta rancher

April 24, 2016 – Obama dismisses NKorea proposal on halting nuke tests. “Pyongyang, meanwhile, has responded with a series of missile launches and statements in its media that the country has developed its long-range ballistic missile and nuclear warhead technologies to the point that they now present a credible deterrent and could even be used against targets on the U.S. mainland, though not all foreign analysts accept that claimContinue reading

Kop Kultur – alive and well in Victoria, B.C. — throughout North America

June 11, 2016 – Children’s’ Watchdog calls for inquest into death of young man shot by police – Sarah Petrescu – We can’t allow someone to disappear from our community and say it’s over without learning [how this can be prevented]
June 11, 2016 – Regina Police Officer Begging On Side Of The Road Tickets DriversContinue reading